Friday, September 27, 2013

                                                                     Scientific experiments

 observations: we first started by pouring in currite Chloride into a beaker it turned a greenish color. then we mixed it with a copper chloride formula that made it into a bluish mixture. we left it over night and some of the material krystalized over night. then  we took a sample of some of the material . then we sturred it and it turned a reddish color which we poured into a new beaker. we were able to sample some of the krystals which were a purple red color. then we poured some acid on it and left it to form overnight

Friday, September 20, 2013

Oreo Cookie lab


    Author: Colin
     Date: 9/12/13

       students measured the filling in three types of Oreo cookies to determine if filling amounts matched advertising

Hypothesis: my hypothesis was that the Oreos did not have a major difference in the stuffing between the Oreos. 

Method: students began to peel stuffing from the original stuffed, double stuffed, and mega stuffed massed each and compared results.

the chart below gives the results for this group

original  3.27           4.35.        3.129          2.25        4.35

double   6.17          6.3             6.480         11.3        6.39

mega     8.96         9.4              9.35           17.7        9.04

we concluded that the stuffing actually added up in the end.  the mega stuffed contained more then twice As much as the original stuffed.